GameJam+ Madeira | Live

Decorre este domingo, dia 24 de fevereiro, a final continental europeia da edição 2023/24 do GameJam+.

O SideQuest tem o privilégio de poder transmitir o evento ao vivo. Sigam tudo aqui, a partir das 17h30:


17h30 > Official opening of Europe GJ+ Continental Final

17h40 > Recap of GameJam+ 23/24 Journey

17h45 > Challenges & Opportunities of the Gaming industry
Carlos Mora, CEO Techframe
Gorete Lopes, CEO Digital Valley

18h10 > Madeira Living Hub!
Carlos Soares Lopes, CEO, Startup Madeira

18h20 > The eGames Lab: The Portuguese Ecosystem
Miguel Campos, CEO, WOWSystems

18h30 > GJ+ [Gaming around the world]
Ian Rochlin, Founder, IndieHero

18h55 > Announcement of the European Finalists

19h10 > Overview of next steps
Juliana Brito, CEO, GJ+